Archives for JSMackin

PHP Puzzlers #2

PHP Versions

PHP Puzzlers #1

SuiteCRM Nice Relationships

Generators In PHP

SuiteCRM List View Conditional Formatting

SuiteCRM Command Line Install

Large imports in SuiteCRM

Switching to pelican

GitHub and BitBucket backups

Contributing to SuiteCRM

Creating a custom field type in SuiteCRM

Setting up SuiteCRM on Digital Ocean

SuiteCRM Super Logger

SuiteCRM Creating an Alert

PHP Syntax Checking

Adding custom module to related to field in SuiteCRM

Make a custom module importable

SuiteCRM Missing Field Definitions

Add row buttons to the List View in SuiteCRM

Car Reg Plate Game in Python

Adding a button to the List View in SuiteCRM

Chase the ace - The curse of the dealer

SuiteCRM Push Notifications

SuiteCRM for Developers Released

SuiteCRM Custom Search Fields

SuiteCRM Package Builder

BeanFactory Cache

Sort Live Wallpaper

Fitocracy Bulk CSV

SuiteCRM Colour Logger