If you move instances of SuiteCRM around it’s possible to have a copy of
the SuiteCRM files that reference a custom field that doesn’t exist in
the fields_meta_data
This can cause broken SQL queries since SuiteCRM will try to reference a field but won’t have it’s name. A broken query may look something like:
UPDATE my_custom_module SET name='Foo', =NULL,=NULL WHERE id='1234';
This can be fixed in one of two ways.
The first, preferred way is to get the info from the fields_meta_data table. This mysqldump command will create a file with the fields meta data:
mysqldump -uYourDBUser --insert-ignore --no-create-info -p YourDB fields_meta_data > fields_meta_data.sql
This can then be used to populate the new DB:
mysql -uYourDBUser -p YourNewDB < fields_meta_data.sql
The second is to find and remove the fields which are causing the issue.
The following script will list any entries in the vardefs without a name
which causes the original broken queries. Simply change the \$base
variable to be the path to the SuiteCRM instance you want to check and
run php -f fieldcheck.php
$base = "/path/to/suitecrm";
$searchBase = $base.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."cache".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."modules";
$dirs = scandir($searchBase);
$GLOBALS["dictionary"] = array();
foreach($dirs as $dir){
$dir = $searchBase .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir;
if($dir == '.' || $dir == '..' || !is_dir($dir)){
$files = glob($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'*vardefs.php');
foreach($files as $file){
include $file;
foreach($GLOBALS["dictionary"] as $module => $arr){
foreach($arr["fields"] as $key => $field){
echo "Empty key for field in $module\n";
echo "Empty name for $key field in $module\n";
Once you have found the offending fields you can remove the definitions for them.