SuiteCRM Creating an Alert

With the release of SuiteCRM 7.3 comes Alerts. These are displayed within SuiteCRM as a small badge in the menu bar. I.e:


Since these are just stored as beans we can add notifications by simply creating a new record with the appropriate values and saving it. For example ...

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Adding custom module to related to field in SuiteCRM

Sometimes when you create a new module you want it to appear in the “Related To” dropdowns around SuiteCRM. This post will cover the simple method of adding modules to these dropdowns.

In this post we’ll add a fictional “Sport” module to the dropdown. We’ll end up with ...

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Make a custom module importable

If you’ve created a custom module but are getting the message “Imports aren’t set up for this module type” then it’s very easy to add this functionality to your custom module.

In the bean file modules/ABC_Your_Module/ABC_Your_Module.php simply add the line

var $importable = true;

After ...

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SuiteCRM Custom Search Fields


Sometimes you may want to add custom search fields to a module that do more than simply search a field. In this post we’ll be looking at how to add a custom search field which will allow searching for all accounts that have no associated contacts.

Adding the ...

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